Burst Fire Ak-47
Burst Fire Ak-47
//Burst Fire Ak-47// - šitas skriptas padarys jūsų ginklą su burst-fire, galėsite iššauti po 3-5 kulkas.
alias "dev0" "developer 0"
alias "dev1" "developer 1"
// Adjust the amount of waits in the next alias until you find the one that works the best according to your system and connection.
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "cycle" "cyclesemi"
alias "cycleauto" "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; echo <-------------------- AUTO -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesingle"
alias "cyclesingle" "bind mouse1 single; dev1; echo <-------------------- SINGLE FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesemi"
alias "cyclesemi" "bind mouse1 semi; dev1; echo <-------------------- SEMIAUTO -------------------->; alias cycle cycleburst"
alias "cycleburst" "bind mouse1 burst; dev1; echo <-------------------- BURST -------------------->; alias cycle cycleauto"
alias "single" "+attack; w3; -attack"
alias "semi" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias "burst" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
bind "mouse1" "cycle"
Šį skriptą turite įsirašyti į savo userconfig.cfg. Sėkmės.
alias "dev0" "developer 0"
alias "dev1" "developer 1"
// Adjust the amount of waits in the next alias until you find the one that works the best according to your system and connection.
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "cycle" "cyclesemi"
alias "cycleauto" "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; echo <-------------------- AUTO -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesingle"
alias "cyclesingle" "bind mouse1 single; dev1; echo <-------------------- SINGLE FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesemi"
alias "cyclesemi" "bind mouse1 semi; dev1; echo <-------------------- SEMIAUTO -------------------->; alias cycle cycleburst"
alias "cycleburst" "bind mouse1 burst; dev1; echo <-------------------- BURST -------------------->; alias cycle cycleauto"
alias "single" "+attack; w3; -attack"
alias "semi" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias "burst" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
bind "mouse1" "cycle"
Šį skriptą turite įsirašyti į savo userconfig.cfg. Sėkmės.
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